Meet the Founder: Hilary McCullagh, Coffee Roulette

Hillary McCullagh Coffee Roulette.png

This month, we chat with Hilary McCullagh founder of Coffee Roulette (Atto 2019).

Where did you get the idea for Coffee Roulette?

Working in internal communications roles in large organisations I’d seen first-hand how hard it is for people to get to know each other.

It can be easy for people to get lost and feel disconnected. I was looking for something that would help people connect.

I had an inkling that a program like Coffee Roulette would go well at the organisation I was working for and it did. Soon a third of the employees from across the state were participating.

At first, I managed Coffee Roulette via spreadsheets, but this quickly became administratively time-consuming. I knew there had to be a better way. Luckily my cousin worked in tech so I was able to enlist him to develop the system that sits behind Coffee Roulette. It takes all the administrative headaches out running a Coffee Roulette.

Once I had the tech solution, I was able to launch Coffee Roulette as a business and provide the service to other organisations.

What problem is Coffee Roulette solving?

The main problem that Coffee Roulette solves is the problem of people not knowing each other, and even being lonely, in large organisations. Coffee Roulette helps improve connection and communication within organisation as well as mental wellbeing. I’ve noticed that mental wellbeing has become increasingly important since the pandemic.

The second problem our system solves is time. While you could run a Coffee Roulette manually with spreadsheets (as I did when I was first starting out), it soon becomes very time-consuming. Our system makes the life of Coffee Roulette organisers easy. It’s pretty much set and forget.

What were you doing prior to starting your business? Did you start it as a side project or did you go all-in from the get-go?

Before starting my business I was employed full-time in internal communications roles in state and local government. I started the business as a side project. The business grew steadily, but when COVID hit, it grew strongly. This gave me the confidence to focus on the business full-time.

What was the first thing you did to get Coffee Roulette up and running?

From my first attempt at running a Coffee Roulette with the organisation I was working for (with spreadsheets!) I knew that the idea was popular and resonated with people. I figured there was a kernel of a business idea there. I also knew I needed the tech platform to support Coffee Roulette so that the business could scale. Therefore, the first thing I did to get Coffee Roulette up and running was to create the algorithm and system that underpins Coffee Roulette as well the website.

Was being a startup founder always part of your career plan? If not, what was?

Being a startup founder wasn’t something I’d considered prior to Coffee Roulette. It was really the idea that took me in this direction. Looking back most of my family are entrepreneurs so maybe it was pre-destined. I’d be working in internal communications which is still a passion – it’s another way to connect and bring employees together.

What would be the one piece of advice you’d give to other female founders looking to take the leap into something new?

I’d say challenge the doubts you have. Fears and doubts will arise all the time, so it’s important to really test and challenge those thoughts. Not all of them will be based in truth. I’d also add that you can achieve more than you think. Looking back in how far I’ve come in five years, I’m pleasantly surprised.

What’s been your biggest lesson so far?

The biggest lesson for me has been that perfect is the enemy of good.

Sometimes good enough is more than ok. Sometimes you have to say yes and work out the how later.

What’s been the biggest win so far?

The biggest win has come through COVID. It’s been a silver lining in a tough period. With so many people working from home, the need for programs to connect staff and look after employees’ mental wellbeing has increased dramatically. This had led to an increase in revenue of 500% over the past year.

I love that the organisations that I work with are really focusing on their employees’ sense of connection and health and that Coffee Roulette can make a difference in people’s work lives.

What do you love about running your own business?

I love the freedom. I also love the opportunity to talk to and work with clients and potential clients from all over the world who are doing great things for their employees. It’s a really positive and inspiring environment to be in.

What does 2021 (and beyond) have in store for you as a founder? What’s your next step for Coffee Roulette?

The rest of 2021 and beyond will be about continuing and capitalising on the growth seen over the past year. We’ll keep refining the product in response to requests from customers too.

How do you think Atto has helped you in your business?

Atto was amazing for introducing me to a network of like-minded people. It was also an invaluable introduction to the world of tech startups, something I’d never been a part of before. Through Atto I gained a lot of knowledge and therefore confidence about setting up and running a startup, everything from what clients would expect, what to focus on in technical development, how to structure my website, how to build an audience and way more. Through immersion in the startup world I know have a fully-fledged startup, something that I’m very grateful for.


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